Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween


HaPpy HaLlOwEeN

From the shop!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Finished piece of terrain


Here is the finished piece of terrain that I was working on.

And some close up shots of the statue

Side shot of the "building"

You can see that there is a second piece of the building that allows you to create the building size that you want. I am in the process of creating debris to place in the center to count as difficult terrain.

Thanks, let me know what you think. I am almost done with a factory style building. Once that is done I will get some shots up here. I have gotten a little more done on the Orc bosses as well. They are in pieces right now as I am finishing of the GS work. I will get some more wip shots up once they are back together.

- Gormek

Monday, March 1, 2010

WIP Warboss, and his brother


After taking a little break I have gotten back to work on my Ork army. Here are some wips of my 2 HQs. Gormek, and Mekgor both come from AOBR. I did want them to look exactly the same so there is some conversion going on. Please keep in mind that the GS is still pretty rough, and needs to be smoothed out

Gormek is the more tame of the two, but let not forget he is still an Ork. I have changed his boss pole up a little bit. Also, I have added a rope with skull off the end of the gun. I am also giving him an ammo runt. Right now he is looking pretty rough. I am in the process of adding a flag to his pole.

Mekgor has a little more work going on. Mekgor is also getting a an ammo runt, and a new boss pole. Big things are his powerclaw has been replaced with a Big Choppa. The Shoota has been converted into a Shoota/rokkit kombi. I have a rough large knife added in place of one gun on the back pack.

Last is a quick shot of a piece of terrain I am working on.

Let me know what you think.